This episode features a conversation with Matt Coatney, Chief Information Officer at Thompson Hine LLP, Author, and Host of, “The Future of Work” with Matt Coatney podcast. The fundamentals of work have been changing and recent world events have accelerated this shift. Matt shares his insights on the future of work and explains his book, The Human Cloud. Artificial intelligence and the freelance economy are transforming how people work more and more everyday. HIGHLIGHTS Bringing digital transformation to the legal industry Digital courtrooms: The need to migrate from paper to digital The Human Cloud: Hire competitive freelancers for the culture fit Servant leaders and flattening the organizational hierarchy QUOTES Matt: “We’re seeing definitely a tilt toward clients demanding more from value and not willing to pay for inefficiencies. And that’s been a slow trend but it’s definitely helping with transformation because you just can’t rest on your laurels the way we could, as an industry, before.” Matt: “They’re only looking at the data they’re presented, so that problems you could run into is you’re giving it data that’s already slanted in a particular way because you’re trying to intentionally bias the results direction you want it to go, or the data sample you have is just bad.” Matt: “He has 3 questions that he asks every person and it’s why you, why us, and, the third one… it’s sort of like what do you get excited about or what are you excited about this project for. And so it’s very much just about the personality and the connection because, in general, the credentials are there to complete the work. It’s more about the fit.” Matt: “I don’t think leadership necessarily is a hierarchy in the not so distant future. I think it’s actually becomes another skill and another resource. Like you need people that are thinking about strategy, that are guiding the organization, that are managing the people side of that. But that is another role that is on par and parallel with everybody else.” Find out more about Matt in the links below: LinkedIn: TED Talk:… Podcast:… Book: